Magento Extension – Google XML sitemap Split Module

Magento team at Maven Infosoft has developed an Magento module for Google XML sitemap spilt.

Default module of Magento creates only one XML Sitemap file. Google does not accept the file more than 10 MB or 50000 links. So If there large Magento shop with products more than 50000, It requires to spilt the sitemap after every 50000 links or size more than 10 MB.

The Magento extension Google XML Sitemap Split Module developed by Maven Infosoft fulfills this requirement.

In the configuration Admin can specify both, the size of the XML file and Links in XML file to be splitted. Whatever the confitions fulfills first, this module will create new sitemap XML file. It will repeat this process till all the links processed.

Admin will be able to see all the generated XML files in the TXT file in the XML SiteMap module.

Everytime when Admin click on Generate the XML file, It will delete all previous XML files and recreates all new files.

Please refere the following screens to understand Module functionality perfectly well.

SiteMap Configuration:

System – Configuration – Google Sitemap

Click on image to view complete image.

Adding Sitemap:

Catalog – Google Sitemap

Click on image to view complete image.

Generate Google SitemMap:

Catalog – Google Sitemap

Click on image to view complete image.

Click on Generate Link to generate the Google XML siteamap.

Once XML sitemaps generate, Click on index.txt file to list all generated XML files.